Apple Crate Gardens — Red Wagon Plants

Apple Crate Gardens

A delivery of fresh new apple crates from our friends at Clifford’s Lumber.

A delivery of fresh new apple crates from our friends at Clifford’s Lumber.

Look at this cool garden idea we want to share with you. It is a simple apple crate, from Cliffords Lumber, right here in Hinesburg, filled with potting soil from VT Compost Company from Montpelier. In fact the first house I lived in as a grown up after college had a beautiful porch that I decorated with apple crate gardens!

Here is how you can buy or make your own:

  1. We will be selling them as kits during our open house March 23rd, 10 am to 2 pm. The kits will include the soil, drainage material, fabric, instruction, and plants.

  2. We will sell them as kits once we open April 12th at 8 am. The kits will include the soil, drainage material, fabric, instruction, and plants. your own is not your thing, you can buy them already planted after we open April 12th. We will plant them with herbs, greens and edible flowers that are cold hardy and can go directly outside.

Keep your eyes peeled here and in our newsletter because maybe we will do a workshop and people can make them together, learn how to care for them, best uses, etc. Let us know what you think!

Our apple crate gardens were a big hit at the VT Flower Show recently.

Our apple crate gardens were a big hit at the VT Flower Show recently.
